CQR CE Credits

All courses in our library have been coded by the ARRT® and this section gives you a
breakdown of the credits by specialty. You can choose single courses, or you can choose the
all-inclusive option to complete your CQR. Courses completed for CQR can also be used for
continuing education credits to renew your license during your biennium.

What you need to know about Continuing Qualifications Requirements (CQR)

The ARRT® requires all technologists and R.R.A.s who received a credential after January 1, 2011, to do CQR for that credential. CQR helps identify gaps in your knowledge and skills that could cause you to fall behind today’s entry-level qualifications. It then helps you develop a plan for refreshing your understanding and abilities. CQR must be done every 10 years.

Details to Know

CQR course categories

Our CQR credits are easy to find. Select the appropriate category and use the grid to sort the credits to find exactly what you need. If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.

Bone Density

Click on the course name to see more details, and click the column headings to sort.
If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Bone Densitometry Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation PrinciplesEquipment Operation and Quality ControlDXA Scanning
Bone Densitometry for Technologists5.253.05.0
Bone Health and Osteoporosis15.250.500.25
Radiation Protection1.5--
MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders0.25--
Contrast Enhancement in Mammography-0.25-
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection2.25--
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation1.75--
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures0.75--
Body Tissue and Their Function--0.25
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System2--

Breast Sonography

Click on the course name to see more details, and click the column headings to sort.
If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Breast SonographyPatient Interaction and
Image FormationBasic Principles of Ultrasound and EquipmentEvaluation and Selection of Representative
PathologyAnatomy and PhysiologySurgical/Treatment Changes and Interventional
Medical Imaging Systems-0.250.75----
Breast Imaging1.5--30.750.75-
Introduction to Imaging Equipment--0.25----
Principles of Ultrasound Imaging-0.250.5----
Improving Mammography Interpretation0.25---0.25--
Beyond MQSA0.25------
Breast MRI0.25------
Breast MRI in Asian Women0.5---0.25--
NM Scintimammography Imaging0.25------
Role of NM and PET in Breast Cancer Diagnosis0.25------
Evaluating Breast Discharge----0.75--
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-0.25-0.25---
Skin, The Body's Protective Layer-----1.5-
The Lymphatic and Immune System-----0.75-
The Reproductive System-----0.25-
Fetal Development and Inheritance-----0.5-

Cardiac Interventional Radiography

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Cardiac Interventional Patient Interaction and ManagementImage Acquisition and EquipmentDiagnostic and Conduction System StudiesHemodynamics, Calculations, and Percutaneous
Diagnostic and Electrophsiolgy ProceduresInterventional Procedures
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound--2.00.50--
Fluoroscopy Safety-1.50----
Medical Imaging Systems-1.25----
Principles of X-ray Imaging-1----
Optical Coherence Tomography-0.5----
Fluoroscopic Imaging Systems-1.5----
Radiation Protection-2----
Cardiac Rhythm Device Infections - CT Imaging and Replacement Timing--0.25---
Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis455.754.758.252.25
Understanding the Mechanisms of Coronary Artery Disease0.25-0.25-0.25-
Coronary Angiography Indications--1-1-
History of Coronary Angiography--0.25---
Coronary Angiography Physical and Technical Aspects-0.750.25---
Coronary Angiography Procedure Techniques0.75-1.5-1.5-
Coronary Angiography Risks and Complications1.5-----
Cardiac Catheterization Complications--
Managing Invasive Coronary Angiography Complications0.5--0.5-0.5
Coronary Angiography and Contrast Induced Nephropathy1.5-----
Coronary Angiography in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease--
Cardiac Catheterization in Patients with Cardiomyopathy---11-
Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Patients--
Using Quantitative Coronary Angiography in Interventional Cardiology-1----
Scoring Cardiac Ischemia---11-
CT Angiography Image Post-Processing and Interpretation-1.5----
Coronary Stenosis Insights--
Cardiac Catheterization Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimization-1.75----
Radiation Protection During Fluoroscopy Guided Cardiology Procedures-0.5----
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection-8.75----
Introduction to Radiation Protection-0.25----
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation-3.25----
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures-5.25----
Pediatric Fluoroscopy Radiation Safety-1.5----
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-0.25----
Body Tissue and Their Function----0.25-
Blood and the Cardiovascular System2.75-----
The Function of the Heart--2.252.25--
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75---1.251.25
The Respiratory System----0.25-

Computed Tomography

Click on the course name to see more details, and click the column headings to sort.
If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Computed TomographyPatient Interaction and
Radiation Safety and DoseImage FormationImage Evaluation and ArchivingHead, Spine and MusculoskeletalNeck and ChestAbdomen and Pelvis
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound-----1.05.0
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases----2.25--
Medical Imaging Systems-
CT Scanning Techniques and Applications-0.5127.53.751.5
Introduction to Imaging Equipment--0.25----
Principles of X-ray Imaging-0.50.5----
Computed Tomography Imaging--11---
Radiation Protection-3-----
Image Analysis and Processing--0.75----
MRI of the Rotator Cuff----0.25--
MRI of the Ankle and Foot----0.5--
Imaging Arthritis: MRI, US and Radiography----1.75--
MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders----0.5--
Evaluation of Spine Trauma: CT, MRI and Radiography----1--
CT and MRI of Degenerative Spine Diseases----1--
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection----1--
MRI Imaging of Muscle----0.25--
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries----0.75--
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children----1--
Contrast Enhancement in Mammography--0.25----
Pulmonary Embolism CT Angiography--0.250.25-1.75-
CT Scan of Pediatric Liver Tumors0.25-0.25---0.75
Cone-Beam CT Imaging in Craniofacial Medicine----0.25--
Evaluation of Oral and Maxillary Abnormalities----0.5--
CT in Posterior Cervical Spine Surgery----0.5--
CT in Minor Head Injury----1.25--
Chest CT in Blunt Trauma-----0.75-
Role of Vertebral Endplates in Lumbar Disease--0.25-0.25--
CT Lung Tumors, 3-D Reconstruction--0.5--0.5-
CT Scanning and Dental Implant----0.25--
CT of Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis----0.5--
CT Total Ankle Replacement---0.250.5--
Cardiac Rhythm Device Infections - CT Imaging and Replacement Timing-----0.25-
CT in Forensic Medicine--0.25----
Advances in Cardiac CT--0.25--0.5-
CT in Diagnosing Hip Pain--0.25-0.75--
New Spine CT Software for Cancer Patients---0.25---
Non-Contrast CT in Urinary Tract Evaluation------1
3-D CT in Brachytherapy Treatment--0.25----
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors----0.5--
Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis-----2-
Coronary Angiography Indications-----0.25-
Coronary Angiography Physical and Technical Aspects-----0.25-
CT Angiography Image Post-Processing and Interpretation-----1.5-
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection-8.25-----
Introduction to Radiation Protection-0.25-----
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation-3.25-----
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures-5.25-----
Introduction to Pediatric Radiation Protection-0.25-----
Pediatric CT Radiation Safety-0.75-----
Diseases of the Lower GI Tract------0.5
Imaging Liver Disease------1.75
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus------0.25
Benign Diseases of the Colon------1.5
Imaging the Urinary System------0.75
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease------0.75
Inflammatory Liver Disease------1
Imaging Urinary Obstruction------0.75
Imaging the Male Reproductive System------0.25
Imaging Renal Tumors------1
MRI of the Pelvic Floor------0.5
MR Imaging of the Uterus------0.25
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen------1
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree------1
How Disease Spreads in the Abdomen and Pelvis------1
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases------0.25
Adrenal Imaging------0.5
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract------1
Small Bowel Disease------1
Emergency Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis------2
Diseases of the Pancreas------1
Pediatric GI Tract Imaging------1
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS---2.25---
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines0.25------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.25------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25------
Introduction to the Human Body----0.750.250.75
Body Tissue and Their Function----
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System----2--
The Axial Skeleton----3.750.25-
The Appendicular Skeleton----3--
The Joints of the Body----4--
The Body's Muscle Tissues----20.50.5
The Muscular System----20.250.25
The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue----4--
Anatomy of the Nervous System----4--
The Somatic Nervous System----4--
The Autonomic Nervous System----2.25--
The Neurological Exam1------
The Endocrine System----10.751
The Function of the Heart-----4.5-
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75---111
The Lymphatic and Immune System-----0.50.5
The Respiratory System-----3-
The Digestive System------4.5
The Urinary System------3.5
The Reproductive System------3

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Magnetic ResonancePatient Interactions and
Screening and Safety
Physical Principles of Image
Sequence Parameters and
Data Acquisition, Processing
and Storage
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound-----0.505.5-
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases-----4.25-19.5
Medical Imaging Systems1-
Breast Imaging------1.5-
Introduction to Imaging Equipment--0.25-----
Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging--0.750.250.5---
Image Analysis and Processing----1---
MRI for Shoulder Instability-------1
MRI of the Rotator Cuff-------0.75
MRI of the Elbow-------1
Wrist and Hand Imaging-------1
MRI of the Hip-------1
MRI of Pelvis and Groin-------1
MRI of the Knee-------1
MRI of the Ankle and Foot-------1
MRI of the Postoperative Knee and Shoulder-------1.25
Imaging Arthritis: MRI, US and Radiography-----0.5-1.25
MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders-------1
Evaluation of Spine Trauma: CT, MRI and Radiography-----1--
CT and MRI of Degenerative Spine Diseases-----1--
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection-----0.5-0.5
MRI Imaging of Muscle-------0.75
Ultrasound and MRI Peripheral Nerve Imaging-----1--
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries-------0.75
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children-------1
Improving Mammography Interpretation------0.25-
Breast MRI------1.5-
Evaluating Breast Discharge------0.75-
CT in Posterior Cervical Spine Surgery-----0.25--
New Spine CT Software for Cancer Patients----0.25---
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors-------0.75
Introduction to MRI-0.50.5-----
The Mathematics of MRI Made Easy--0.250.25----
Understanding MR Spin Process--1-----
MR Spectroscopy---0.5----
Understanding Fourier Transform Process--0.25-0.25---
MR Imaging Principles---0.250.25---
MR Fourier Transform Imaging Principles--0.25-0.5---
MR Basic Imaging Techniques---1----
MR Imaging Hardware--1.75-----
Displaying MR Images---0.5----
MR Imaging Artifacts--1-----
MR Fast Imaging Techniques----0.5---
MR Advanced Imaging Techniques----1.25---
Your MRI Exam0.250.25------
MR Safety0.254.25------
Imaging Liver Disease------1.75-
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus------0.75-
Imaging the Urinary System------0.75-
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease------0.75-
Inflammatory Liver Disease------1-
Imaging Urinary Obstruction------0.75-
Imaging the Male Reproductive System------0.25-
Imaging Renal Tumors------1-
MRI of the Pelvic Floor------1-
MR Imaging of the Uterus------1-
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen------1-
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree------1-
How Disease Spreads in the Abdomen and Pelvis------1-
Urogenital Pathology in Children------0.25-
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases------1-
Adrenal Imaging------0.5-
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract------0.25-
MRI of the Prostate------0.75-
Small Bowel Disease------1-
Emergency Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis------2-
Diseases of the Pancreas------1-
Pediatric GI Tract Imaging------1-
Improving Health Literacy4-------
Lung Cancer Screening Quality0.5-------
Lung Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation0.5-------
Structuring Lung Cancer Screening Programs0.75-------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25-------
Lung Cancer Screening Challenges1-------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.75-------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines1-------
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5-------
Introduction to the Human Body1.25----0.750.750.25
Body Tissue and Their Function-----10.750.75
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System-------2
The Axial Skeleton-----3.75-0.25
The Appendicular Skeleton-------3
The Joints of the Body-----0.5-3.5
The Body's Muscle Tissues------0.52.5
The Muscular System-----
The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue-----4--
Anatomy of the Nervous System-----4--
The Somatic Nervous System-----4--
The Autonomic Nervous System-----2.25--
The Neurological Exam1-------
The Endocrine System-----1.751-
The Lymphatic and Immune System-----0.50.5-
The Respiratory System------3.5-
The Digestive System------4.5-
The Urinary System------3.5-
The Reproductive System------3-
MR Imaging-1.256.25---6.2510.25


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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
MammographyEducation and AssessmentPatient Interaction and ManagementEquipment Operation and Quality AssuranceImage Acquisition and Quality AssuranceAnatomy, Physiology, and PathologyMammography Positioning, Special Needs and Imaging Procedures
Breast Imaging1.5-3-1.51.5
Mammography Imaging--1.75---
History of MQSA--0.250.25--
Improving Mammography Interpretation--
MQSA Regulations, Inspections and Enforcement--11--
Ensuring an Adequate Workforce for Breast Cancer Screening0.
Beyond MQSA--0.50.5-0.25
Breast MRI-----0.25
Breast MRI in Asian Women0.250.25--0.250.25
NM Scintimammography Imaging-----0.25
Digital Mammography--1.75---
Image Quality for Digital Mammography--1---
Contrast Enhancement in Mammography---0.25--
Role of NM and PET in Breast Cancer Diagnosis-----0.25
Evaluating Breast Discharge----0.50.25
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS--0.50.5--
The Lymphatic and Immune System----0.75-
The Reproductive System----0.25-

Nuclear Medicine

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Nuclear MedicinePatient Interactions and ManagementInstrumentationRadiation Physics, Radiobiology and
Endocrine and Oncology ProceduresGastrointestinal and Genitourinary ProceduresOther Imaging ProceduresRadionuclides and RadiopharmaceuticalsCardiac Procedures
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound---
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases---1-0.5--
Medical Imaging Systems11.50.5-0.25-0.25-
Introduction to Imaging Equipment-0.25------
Principles of X-ray Imaging--0.5-----
Computed Tomography Imaging-0.75------
Nuclear Medicine Emission Tomography-1.250.25---0.25-
Radiation Biology, Effects of Ionizing Radiation--1.75-----
Radiation Protection--3-----
Image Analysis and Processing-0.5------
CT and MRI of Degenerative Spine Diseases-----1--
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection-----1--
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries-----0.75--
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children-----0.5--
NM Scintimammography Imaging---1--0.25-
Role of NM and PET in Breast Cancer Diagnosis--0.251--0.25-
Evaluating Breast Discharge---0.75----
PET/CT Imaging-1-0.25----
CT Lung Tumors, 3-D Reconstruction---0.25----
Cardiac Rhythm Device Infections - CT Imaging and Replacement Timing-----0.25--
Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT-0.750.251----
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors---0.5----
Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis-------0.25
Coronary Angiography Indications-------0.25
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection--9.5-----
Introduction to Radiation Protection--0.25-----
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation--4-----
Nuclear Medicine Radiation Protection--6-----
Pediatric Radiation Protection Framework--0.25-----
Pediatric NM Radiation Safety--0.5-----
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus---0.75----
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen---0.5----
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree---0.5----
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases---0.25----
Adrenal Imaging---0.5----
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract---0.75----
Small Bowel Disease---0.5----
Diseases of the Pancreas---0.5----
Improving Health Literacy4-------
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-2.25------
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5-------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines1-------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.75-------
Lung Cancer Screening Challenges1-------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25-------
Structuring Lung Cancer Screening Programs0.75-------
Lung Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation0.5-------
Lung Cancer Screening Quality0.5-------
Introduction to the Human Body1.25--0.750.250.75--
The Body's DNA and Chemistry--0.75-----
Cells, Where It All Begins--1.75-----
Body Tissue and Their Function---
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System-----2--
The Axial Skeleton-----4--
The Appendicular Skeleton-----3--
The Joints of the Body-----4--
The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue-----4--
Anatomy of the Nervous System-----3.5--
The Somatic Nervous System-----3.75--
The Neurological Exam1-------
The Endocrine System---2.75----
Blood and the Cardiovascular System-------1
The Function of the Heart-------4.5
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75-------
The Lymphatic and Immune System---0.75----
The Respiratory System-----3.5--
The Digestive System----4.5---
The Urinary System----2.25---

Radiation Therapy

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Radiation TherapyPatient InteractionsPatient and Medical Record
Radiation Physics, Equipment, and Quality AssuranceRadiation Protection, Equipment Operation and Quality AssuranceRadiation ProtectionTreatment Sites and TumorsTreatmentsTreatment Volume LocalizationRadiation Physics and RadiobiologyPrescription and Dose Calculation
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound-----9.0----
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases-----1.25----
Medical Imaging Systems--1---0.5---
CT Scanning Techniques and Applications-----6.5----
Principles of X-ray Imaging--1-------
Computed Tomography Imaging-------0.75--
Radiation Biology, Effects of Ionizing Radiation----1.75---1.75-
Radiation Protection--3.5-3.5-----
Improving Mammography Interpretation-0.25---0.25----
Breast MRI-0.25--------
Breast MRI in Asian Women-0.5--------
NM Scintimammography Imaging-0.25--------
Role of NM and PET in Breast Cancer Diagnosis-0.25--------
Evaluating Breast Discharge-0.25---0.75----
Optical CT Scanning in 3-D Radiation Dosimetry--0.25---0.25---
PET/CT Imaging-0.25--------
CT Scan of Pediatric Liver Tumors-0.25---0.25----
X-ray and Cone Beam CT Comparison for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy------0.5---
Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT-0.5--------
3-D CT in Brachytherapy Treatment------0.75--0.25
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors0.5----..25----
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection--0.59.259---0.25-
Introduction to Radiation Protection---0.250.25-----
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation---44-----
Introduction to Pediatric Radiation Protection---0.25------
Pediatric Radiation Protection Framework---0.25------
MR Safety---2.5------
Imaging Liver Disease-----1----
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus-----0.75----
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease-----0.5----
Inflammatory Liver Disease-----0.25----
Imaging the Male Reproductive System-----0.25----
Imaging Renal Tumors-0.25---0.25----
MR Imaging of the Uterus-----0.25----
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen------0.25---
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree-----0.5----
How Disease Spreads in the Abdomen and Pelvis-----1----
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases-----0.25----
Adrenal Imaging-----0.5----
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract-----0.75----
MRI of the Prostate0.25----0.25----
Small Bowel Disease-----0.5----
Diseases of the Pancreas-----0.5----
Improving Health Literacy4---------
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5---------
Evidence for Lung Cancer Screening1---------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines1---------
Lung Cancer Screening Insurance Coverage0.5---------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.75---------
Lung Cancer Screening Challenges1---------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25---------
Structuring Lung Cancer Screening Programs0.75---------
Lung Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation0.5---------
Lung Cancer Screening Quality0.5---------
Introduction to the Human Body1.25----1.75----
The Body's DNA and Chemistry----0.75-----
Cells, Where It All Begins----1.75-----
Body Tissue and Their Function-----2.5----
Skin, The Body's Protective Layer-----1.5----
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System-----2----
The Axial Skeleton-----4----
The Appendicular Skeleton-----3----
The Joints of the Body-----4----
The Body's Muscle Tissues-----0.75----
The Muscular System-----2.5----
The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue-----4----
Anatomy of the Nervous System-----4----
The Somatic Nervous System-----3.75----
The Autonomic Nervous System-----2.25----
The Neurological Exam1---------
The Endocrine System-----2.75----
Blood and the Cardiovascular System1----0.25----
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75---------
The Lymphatic and Immune System-----0.75----
The Respiratory System-----3.5----
The Digestive System-----4.5----
The Urinary System-----3.5----
The Reproductive System-----3----
MR Imaging---1.25-16.5----


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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
RadiographyPatient Interaction and ManagementImage Acquisition and Technical EvaluationEquipment Operation and Quality AssurancePatient Safety, Radiation Protection and Equipment
Radiation Physics and RadiobiologyRadiation ProtectionHead, Spine and PelvisThorax and Abdomen ProceduresExtremity Procedures
Fluoroscopy Safety-----3.25---
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases------0.5-3.25
Medical Imaging Systems1-1.5-1--0.25-
Introduction to Imaging Equipment-0.25-------
Image Processing--0.25------
Endoscopy Use in Abdominal Surgery-------0.25-
Principles of X-ray Imaging--1-0.75----
Fluoroscopic Imaging Systems--1.25--0.25---
Radiation Biology, Effects of Ionizing Radiation----1.75----
Radiation Protection-----3.5---
Image Analysis and Processing--0.5------
MRI of the Rotator Cuff--------0.25
Wrist and Hand Imaging--------1
MRI of the Hip------1--
MRI of the Ankle and Foot--------0.5
Imaging Arthritis: MRI, US and Radiography------0.5-1.25
MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders--------0.5
Evaluation of Spine Trauma: CT, MRI and Radiography------1--
CT and MRI of Degenerative Spine Diseases------1--
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection------0.5-0.5
MRI Imaging of Muscle--------0.25
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries--------0.75
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children------0.5-0.5
Hip Fracture: The Choice of Surgery--------0.5
CT in Posterior Cervical Spine Surgery------0.25--
Chest CT in Blunt Trauma-------0.25-
CT of Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis------0.25--
CT Total Ankle Replacement--------0.25
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors--------0.5
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection-----10.25---
Introduction to Radiation Protection-----0.25---
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation-----4---
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures-----5.25---
Introduction to Pediatric Radiation Protection-----0.25---
Pediatric Radiation Protection Framework-----0.25---
Pediatric General Radiology Radiation Safety-----0.5---
Pediatric Fluoroscopy Radiation Safety-----1.5---
Urogenital Pathology in Children-------0.5-
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract-------1-
Pediatric GI Tract Imaging-------1-
Improving Health Literacy4--------
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-13.25------
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5--------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines1--------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.75--------
Lung Cancer Screening Challenges1--------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25--------
Structuring Lung Cancer Screening Programs0.75--------
Lung Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation0.5--------
Lung Cancer Screening Quality0.5--------
Digital Radiography-0.52------
Introduction to the Human Body1.25-----0.750.750.25
The Body's DNA and Chemistry----0.75----
Cells, Where It All Begins----1.75----
Body Tissue and Their Function------
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System------
The Axial Skeleton------3.750.25-
The Appendicular Skeleton------0.5-2.5
The Joints of the Body------0.750.253
The Body's Muscle Tissues-------0.5-
The Muscular System------0.250.25-
The Neurological Exam1--------
The Endocrine System-------0.75-
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75--------
The Respiratory System-------3.5-
The Digestive System-------4.5-
The Urinary System-------3.5-
The Reproductive System-------0.75-
Fetal Development and Inheritance------0.5--
Image Acquisition and Evaluation
(SSA exam before 2022)
Image Acquisition and Evaluation
(SSA exam date after 1/1/ 2022)

Radiologist Assistant

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Radiologist AssistantPatient ManagementPharmacologyPatient Safety, Radiation Protection, and Equipment
Abdominal SectionThoracic SectionMusculoskeletal and Endocrine SectionsNeurological, Vascular, and Lymphatic
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound---
Bone Densitometry for Technologists-0.500.25--4.51.0
Fluoroscopy Safety--3.25----
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases-----20.253.75
Medical Imaging Systems--1.50.25---
CT Scanning Techniques and Applications--0.51.751.751.751.75
Endoscopy Use in Abdominal Surgery---0.25---
Principles of X-ray Imaging--1----
Fluoroscopic Imaging Systems--1.5----
Radiation Biology, Effects of Ionizing Radiation--1.75----
Radiation Protection--3.5----
MRI for Shoulder Instability-----1-
MRI of the Rotator Cuff-----0.75-
MRI of the Elbow-----0.5-
Wrist and Hand Imaging-----1-
MRI of the Hip-----1-
MRI of Pelvis and Groin-----1-
MRI of the Knee-----1-
MRI of the Ankle and Foot-----1-
MRI of the Postoperative Knee and Shoulder-----1.25-
Imaging Arthritis: MRI, US and Radiography-----1.75-
MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders-----1-
Evaluation of Spine Trauma: CT, MRI and Radiography------1
CT and MRI of Degenerative Spine Diseases------1.25
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection-----1-
Ultrasonography of Sports Injuries-----1-
MRI Imaging of Muscle-----0.75-
Ultrasound and MRI Peripheral Nerve Imaging------1
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries-----0.75-
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children-----1-
Hip Fracture: The Choice of Surgery-----0.75-
Improving Mammography Interpretation--0.25-0.5--
MQSA Regulations, Inspections and Enforcement--0.25----
Ensuring an Adequate Workforce for Breast Cancer Screening--0.25-0.25--
Beyond MQSA0.5-0.25-0.25--
Breast MRI----0.75--
Breast MRI in Asian Women----1.5--
NM Scintimammography Imaging----0.25--
Role of NM and PET in Breast Cancer Diagnosis--0.25-0.25--
Evaluating Breast Discharge0.25---0.75--
Pulmonary Embolism CT Angiography----1--
CT Scan of Pediatric Liver Tumors-0.25-1---
Cone-Beam CT Imaging in Craniofacial Medicine-----0.25-
Evaluation of Oral and Maxillary Abnormalities-----0.5-
CT in Posterior Cervical Spine Surgery------0.5
CT in Minor Head Injury------1.25
Chest CT in Blunt Trauma----0.75--
Role of Vertebral Endplates in Lumbar Disease-----0.25-
CT Lung Tumors, 3-D Reconstruction----1--
CT of Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis-----0.5-
CT Total Ankle Replacement-----0.5-
Cardiac Rhythm Device Infections - CT Imaging and Replacement Timing----0.25--
Advances in Cardiac CT----0.5--
CT in Diagnosing Hip Pain-----1-
Non-Contrast CT in Urinary Tract Evaluation---0.75---
Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT--0.25----
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors-----0.75-
Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis222.25-7.5--
Understanding the Mechanisms of Coronary Artery Disease0.25---0.25--
Coronary Angiography Indications----1--
Coronary Angiography Physical and Technical Aspects--0.25----
Coronary Angiography Procedure Techniques----1.5--
Coronary Angiography Risks and Complications1.5------
Cardiac Catheterization Complications----1--
Managing Invasive Coronary Angiography Complications0.250.25--0.5--
Coronary Angiography and Contrast Induced Nephropathy-1.5-----
Coronary Angiography in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease-0.5-----
Cardiac Catheterization in Patients with Cardiomyopathy----1--
Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Patients-0.5-----
Scoring Cardiac Ischemia----0.5--
Coronary Stenosis Insights----0.75--
Cardiac Catheterization Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimization--1.75----
Radiation Protection During Fluoroscopy Guided Cardiology Procedures--1----
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection--12.25----
Introduction to Radiation Protection--0.25----
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation--4----
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures--5.25----
Introduction to Pediatric Radiation Protection--0.25----
Pediatric Radiation Protection Framework--0.25----
Pediatric General Radiology Radiation Safety--0.5----
Pediatric Fluoroscopy Radiation Safety--1.5----
Pediatric CT Radiation Safety--0.75----
MR Safety0.25-3.25----
Diseases of the Lower GI Tract---0.5---
Imaging Liver Disease----1.75--
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus---0.75---
Benign Diseases of the Colon---1.5---
Imaging the Urinary System---0.75---
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease---0.75---
Inflammatory Liver Disease---1---
Imaging Urinary Obstruction---0.75---
Imaging the Male Reproductive System---0.75---
Imaging Renal Tumors---1---
MRI of the Pelvic Floor---1---
MR Imaging of the Uterus---1---
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen---1---
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree---1---
How Disease Spreads in the Abdomen and Pelvis---1---
Urogenital Pathology in Children---1---
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases---1---
Adrenal Imaging-----0.5-
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract---1---
MRI of the Prostate---0.75---
Small Bowel Disease---1---
Emergency Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis---2---
Diseases of the Pancreas---1---
Pediatric GI Tract Imaging---1---
Improving Health Literacy4------
Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening0.5------
Evidence for Lung Cancer Screening1------
Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines1------
Deciding to Have Lung Cancer Screening0.75------
Lung Cancer Screening Challenges1------
Overcoming Lung Cancer Screening Implementation0.25------
Structuring Lung Cancer Screening Programs0.75------
Lung Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation0.5------
Lung Cancer Screening Quality0.5------
Introduction to the Human Body---10.750.251
The Body's DNA and Chemistry--0.75----
Cells, Where It All Begins--1.75----
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System-----2-
The Axial Skeleton-----4-
The Appendicular Skeleton-----3-
The Joints of the Body-----3.50.5
The Body's Muscle Tissues-----3-
The Muscular System---0.250.252-
The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue-----4-
Anatomy of the Nervous System------4
The Somatic Nervous System------4
The Autonomic Nervous System-0.25----2.25
The Neurological Exam------4
The Endocrine System-----3-
Blood and the Cardiovascular System2.25-----0.75
The Function of the Heart----4.5-4.5
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75------
The Lymphatic and Immune System------2
The Respiratory System----3.5--
The Digestive System---4.5---
The Urinary System---3.5---
The Reproductive System---3---
Fetal Development and Inheritance---2.50.5--


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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
SonographyPatient Interactions and ManagementBasic Principles of UltrasoundImage FormationEvaluation and Selection of Representative ImagesAbdomenSuperficial Structures and Other Sonographic
First Trimester ObstetricsSecond Trimester and High- Risk
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound0.501.00.250.5012.05.75---
Imaging Musculoskeletal Diseases-----3---
Medical Imaging Systems1.50.750.25-0.25----
Breast Imaging-----1.5---
Introduction to Imaging Equipment-0.25-------
Principles of Ultrasound Imaging-0.50.25------
MRI of the Rotator Cuff-----0.25---
MRI of the Ankle and Foot-----0.5---
Imaging Arthritis: MRI, US and Radiography-----1.75---
Imaging Musculoskeletal Infection-----1---
Ultrasonography of Sports Injuries-----1---
MRI Imaging of Muscle-----0.25---
Ultrasound and MRI Peripheral Nerve Imaging-----1---
MRI of Pediatric Sports Related Injuries-----0.75---
Imaging Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disease in Children-----1---
Improving Mammography Interpretation-----0.25---
Evaluating Breast Discharge-----0.75---
Imaging Soft Tissue, Bone and Bone Marrow Tumors-----0.5---
Imaging Liver Disease----1.75----
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus--------0.25
Imaging the Urinary System----0.75----
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease----0.75----
Inflammatory Liver Disease----0.25----
Imaging the Male Reproductive System-----0.75---
Imaging Renal Tumors----0.5----
MRI of the Pelvic Floor--------0.5
MR Imaging of the Uterus--------1
Monitoring Therapy of Oncologic Diseases in the Abdomen----0.5----
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree----0.5----
How Disease Spreads in the Abdomen and Pelvis----1----
Urogenital Pathology in Children-----0.75--0.25
Ovarian Adnexal Diseases--------0.25
Diseases of the Upper GI Tract----0.25----
Small Bowel Disease----1----
Emergency Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis----2----
Diseases of the Pancreas----0.5----
Pediatric GI Tract Imaging-----1---
Improving Health Literacy4--------
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS---2.25-----
Introduction to the Human Body1.25---0.750.75--0.25
Body Tissue and Their Function----11.5---
Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System-----0.75---
The Appendicular Skeleton-----3---
The Joints of the Body-----4---
The Body's Muscle Tissues-----2.5---
The Muscular System-----2.25--0.25
Anatomy of the Nervous System-------0.25-
The Neurological Exam1--------
The Endocrine System----11---
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75---1.251.25---
The Lymphatic and Immune System-----0.75---
The Respiratory System-----2-0.25-
The Digestive System----4.5----
The Urinary System----3.5----
The Reproductive System----0.50.75--1.75
Fetal Development and Inheritance-----0.251.751.25-

Vascular and Interventional Radiology

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Vascular InterventionPatient Interactions and ManagementImage Acquisition and EquipmentVascular Diagnostic ProceduresVascular Interventional ProceduresNonvascular Procedures
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound--
Fluoroscopy Safety-1.50---
Principles of X-ray Imaging-1---
Fluoroscopic Imaging Systems-1.5---
Radiation Protection-2---
Non-Contrast CT in Urinary Tract Evaluation----0.25
Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis4.540.5--
History of Coronary Angiography--0.25--
Coronary Angiography Physical and Technical Aspects-0.75---
Coronary Angiography Procedure Techniques0.75----
Coronary Angiography Risks and Complications1.5----
Managing Invasive Coronary Angiography Complications0.5----
Coronary Angiography and Contrast Induced Nephropathy1.5----
Coronary Angiography in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease0.5----
Cardiac Catheterization in Patients with Cardiomyopathy0.5----
Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Patients0.5----
CT Angiography Image Post-Processing and Interpretation-1.5---
Cardiac Catheterization Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimization-1.75---
Radiation Protection During Fluoroscopy Guided Cardiology Procedures-0.5---
Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection-8.75---
Introduction to Radiation Protection-0.25---
Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation-3.25---
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures-5.25---
Pediatric Fluoroscopy Radiation Safety-1.5---
Imaging the Urinary System----0.5
Cirrhosis and Vascular Liver Disease---0.25-
Imaging Renal Tumors----0.25
Diseases of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree----1
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-0.25---
Body Tissue and Their Function--0.25--
Anatomy of the Nervous System--0.5--
Blood and the Cardiovascular System2.75----
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75-2.252.25-
The Respiratory System---0.25-
The Urinary System----2

Vascular Sonography

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If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
Vascular SonographyPatient Interaction and ManagementEvaluation and Selection of Representative ImagesBasic Principles of UltrasoundImage FormationAbdominal/Pelvic VasculatureArterial Peripheral VasculatureExtracranial Cerebral Vasculature and Other Sonographic
Venous Peripheral Vasculature
Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound0.500.501.00.256.0-3.0-
Medical Imaging Systems1-0.750.25----
Introduction to Imaging Equipment--0.25-----
Principles of Ultrasound Imaging--0.50.25----
Improving Health Literacy4-------
Understanding Digital Radiography and PACS-2.25------
Introduction to the Human Body1.25-------
Body Tissue and Their Function----0.25---
The Neurological Exam--------
Blood Vessels and Circulation0.75---1.251-1
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      Bone Density

      Click on the course name to see more details, and click the column headings to sort.
      If you would like assistance we are happy to put a plan together for you. Email cheryl@getyourceu.com for assistance.
      Bone Densitometry Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation PrinciplesEquipment Operation and Quality ControlDXA Scanning
      Bone Densitometry for Technologists5.253.05.0
      Bone Health and Osteoporosis15.250.500.25
      Radiation Protection1.5--
      MRI Imaging of Metabolic Disorders0.25--
      Contrast Enhancement in Mammography-0.25-
      Adult and Pediatric Radiation Protection2.25--
      Radiation Safety in Medical Uses of Radiation1.75--
      Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures0.75--
      Body Tissue and Their Function--0.25
      Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System2--

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